Monday, December 21, 2009

Home Again

Happy Winter Solstice! Yeah! The days will start heading toward the light again. Just in time, I say.

Zory decided she'd had enough of my adventure. She was unsettled and quite unhappy in Sedona so I folded the tent and headed east. Sunshine deserted us in mid-Texas. Skies turned more leaden with each mile. By sunset, we were in Kansas and the grey merged to black. Seemed fitting for the return to KC. I am missing the southwestern sun a great deal.

The plus side is that it's great to see friends. Zory is absolutely happier and that's a good thing:-). We're having a lovely day helping Laura bake cookies, a lovely diversion to keep my thoughts from travel.

Although I did find Santa Fe very inviting, I'm not ready to make the final Home decision until the southeast has been given equal time. The next few weeks are filled with holiday activities including some travel to visit friends and relatives. After that, it's back on the road again, this time sans Zory. It was a delight to have her with me even as unsettled as she was toward the end. I'll miss her on the next leg of the trip but also know that I'll get a lot more photography in and will be more willing to explore back roads.

I'll update with departures and arrivals as soon as I figure them out. Till then, a few random thoughts for the shortest day of the year: even without happy childhood memories, the smell of cookies baking is a very happy experience. What exactly does one get from the knowledge that one’s car can beep annoyingly upon locking and unlocking? The Chiefs suck. Thank goodness it's basketball season. Go Hawks! How many football bowls games are there?! I think the football powers that be have lost their way.

Finally, I'm open for suggestions and ideas for the next trip. Any places in particular I HAVE to see/visit? At this point the trip is encompassing North and South Carolina but Kentucky and Tennessee are possibilities.

And now, all the best to you and yours during this holiday time. Thanks for lending support for this journey of mine. More SOON!